Meet The Trainers
Under the guidance of head trainer Raul Hernandez and his wife Colby Hernandez, Twin Oaks Dog Club prides itself in its ability to create confident teams of canine and handler. “Teach, Never Test” is a phrase often used by Raul to explain that it’s better to educate your dog rather then leaving him to fend for himself. It is this theory that Raul has put into action over the years to create countless successful canine teams not only in sport but real life and law enforcement as well.
Both Raul & Colby Hernandez have competed dogs in the local, national and international levels. They encourage hard work and always put the dog first when it comes to training.
About The Club
Twin Oaks Dog Club, Home to Canine Extreme Kennel, gets its name from the two beautiful 100+ yr old "twin" oaks trees that stand watch over the Twin Oaks confirmation field. Sitting on just over 33 acres this facility boasts a bike trail, 15 acre tracking field, IGP field, Agility field, confirmation field and loads of room to lounge under the majestic ocala oaks and watch a stunning sunset.
Twin Oaks Dog Club values it’s members, supporters and sponsors. The goal is to work with fellow canine enthusiasts to simply enjoy what we all set out to do in the first place ... spend more time with our dogs!!
Twin Oaks promotes the values set forth by such entities as GSDCA and the AKC to help their members and participants become the best versions of themselves.
At Twin Oaks Dog Club we work with handler‘s of all ages and levels to prepare them for the fulfilling goal of competing in IGP or AKC. Whether it’s kids partaking in our junior handler program, adults in advanced high level national/international sport or a family just looking for good old fashion obedience.
Positive reinforcement, clear communication and socialization are the fundamentals used in our program. Its our opinion that these are the building blocks to good teamwork and an enjoyable environment.